Sunday, March 30, 2014

April is around the corner

Happy early April Fools’ Day. What kind of pranks do your co-workers do in the workplace? What pranks are you planning? 

Going into this venture, I knew there would be a lot of rejection from agents. That’s why I sent out so many query letters. It still doesn’t feel good to get the rejection letter/email, even if it’s because they aren’t taking on new clients. I know I will find that right agent. 

I brushed the rejections off and moved on to the next book in the series. I rewrote the first few chapters then decided I didn’t like them. Go figure. I decided to break away from writing and read. I fell in love again – in both books I read. Have you fallen in love with the hero? 

On a lighter note, I was sitting on the couch with a cat on the window seat beside me. Next thing I know a cat is attacking from the other side of the window. What it found to hold on to is beyond me, but it hung there scaring off my cats. It freaked me out. 

Until next week.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

It's finally Spring!

Welcome back. I hope you survived St. Patrick’s Day. 

What a week! I emailed and mailed query letters this week. Four agents asked for more chapters and one, after reading the extra chapters, asked for the entire manuscript. I’m exciting and anxious.

Here’s a final excerpt from HIS Desire. I have to shift to the next story – AJ and Reagan.

Megan looked up at him through tear filled eyes. All he could do was look into those beautiful, wet eyes. He saw sadness and wanted to take it away. He brushed a strand of her now auburn hair behind her ear, and then he slowly lowered his mouth to hers. His kiss was gentle and slow. Her sweet taste was mixed with salty tears.

Raising his head, Jesse looked into Megan’s eyes again and saw desire flicker. He raised his hands to either side of her face and leaned down again. The kiss was a deep kiss, his tongue making love to her mouth.

I found the coolest thing this week. It’s a collar for my cats (below) that has a small USB on it. I can put all of my contact information in case they lose their way. I’m waiting for Ralph, my little Houdini (black and white cat), to figure out how to get the collar off. He’s removed every collar I’ve put on him before. It's hilarious to watch.

Don’t forget to check out my website. You can see the places that I have traveled to on Pinterest. Ladies, you will love my WritingInspiration-Men board on Pinterest.

Until next week.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Major crisis this week...

I have faith that I am going to find a four-leaf clover this St. Patrick’s Day and my luck will turn around for the better.

There was one major crisis after another this week. First, I lost my thumb drive. It had EVERYTHING that I’ve been writing. No, I hadn’t backed it up on my laptop. I did after I found it and thank goodness I did because after that it fell apart. Yes, fell apart.

Second, I sent out a query letter to about 45 literary agents with an error on it. I can’t believe I overlooked it. It’s an almost guaranteed rejection. Even with this major setback, I will find the right agent.

It’s time for me to move on to AJ and Reagan’s story, but I’m having a difficult time leaving Jesse and Megan. I am glad I’m working a series where past characters will play a role, even a minor one, in the rest of the stories. I won’t have to put Jesse on a bench.

On a personal note, my sister was out of town this past week, so I stayed at her house with my Mom a few of those days. My cats were not happy about it. You’d think their world had ended because they didn’t get their canned food first thing in the morning. The bowl of dry food must not be breakfast worthy. Can you tell that I spoil them?

Have a great St. Patrick’s Day and rest of the week!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Great things are happening!

My website is live! Bookmark the page –

I was a chaperone for my niece’s 3rd grade class this week. I’ve never seen so many kids that well-behaved.

Final edits are complete! I thought I’d never get through the process. To quote Oscar Wilde “I have spent most of the day putting in a comma and the rest of the day taking it out.”

Before querying agents, I decided to have an expert critique my query letter since it is so important. Once I receive it and my synopsis back I will begin the process. I am ready to get HIS Desire in front of an agent then publisher.

Here’s another teaser from HIS Desire (An H.I.S. Novel):
Jesse turned to Megan. “You did a great job. Your boss will love this article.”
She beamed at him.
“There’s only one problem. You made me out to be some kind of hero.”
Her smile vanished. “But you have been my hero. You’ve done everything to save me. I’d be dead if not for you.”
“Megan, I’m no hero. I don’t like being characterized as one.” He stood. He tried to be a hero once and his wife paid with her life.

Don’t forget to sign up by email so you don’t miss when there’s a new posting.

See you next week!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Meet the author

No teaser this week. I thought it might be time for you to get to know me.

I grew up in Biloxi, MS and settled in Batesville, MS, near Ole Miss. Go Rebels! To get moving in the morning, I require a full pot of coffee and drink it black. It’s true that I have three cats. I rescued two from my neighborhood (I live in the country) then one decided this was its new home. I say ‘it’, because I don’t know what the sex of the cat is, and ‘it’ won’t let me check. They like to push their way onto my lap when I am in the middle of a scene, most often it’s a sex scene. I guess that it’s not unlike children who wait until you get on the phone then demand your full attention.

I was in the US Air Force 12 years. They did surgery on my foot so I could attend my commissioning class, and I got what I paid for. I am now a disabled veteran. After leaving the military, I went in higher education working at University of Phoenix. Within 3 years I was managing my own university campus in Wichita, KS and completing my Master’s degree. After 12 years, several moves and job changes, including College President in Dallas, TX, and University Vice President in Boca Raton, FL, I decided to retire. Now, I have plenty of time to write!

That’s me and my history in a nutshell. I’m not very exciting. I leave that to the characters in my novels.

I’d like to get to know you. I’m either writing or reading. I’m reading, well re-reading, Maya Banks Echoes at Dawn between edits. What are you reading or what do you like to read?

Talk to you next week!