Saturday, April 26, 2014

Here's where I am

In honor of the newest followers, I thought I would give an overview in my weekly blog of where I am in the writing process. For those who’ve been following, this will help ease any confusion.

I’m writing six romantic suspense novels featuring the men of Hamilton Investigation and Security, Inc., or H.I.S. You can meet the men of H.I.S. on my website at

I wrote my first novel, HIS Desire, and submitted it for agent representation, but it didn’t get picked up by anyone. Instead of self-publishing, I thought of a book I’d rather be first in the series and am writing it now (I’m halfway through it). It features Jesse, the oldest brother, and a fiery FBI Agent, Kate Ross. I am using the title HIS Desire because it fits with Jesse and this story. I'll send out teasers when I get further along in my writing.

Thanks to everyone who suggested names for the two bomb-sniffing dogs who are part of H.I.S. It was a tough choice, but I chose (based on the men who are handlers) Bomber and Daisy (yes, there will be a story on this name). They’re only mentioned in this novel, but I plan to use them in the series since H.I.S. does a lot of protection services.

My blog is updated weekly unless something major happens, so make sure to sign up by email to keep up to date with my progress. You won’t be overburdened with notifications.

That’s enough for this week. Let me know what you want to hear either on my blog or Facebook.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Feature and Follow Friday

Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Parjunkee and Alison Can Read
This week's F&F topic/question is: 

Question of the Week: 
Spring Break. Where would be your favorite destination spot if you could join the Spring Break festivities? 

 If I could join in on the Spring Break Festivities, I would go to any of the Florida beaches. I can't get enough of the ocean breeze on my face.

 Where would you go?

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Sunday, April 13, 2014

The writing was slow going this week

The rewrite of HIS Desire is slow going. I did complete the first four chapters and am happy with them. I’m stuck on where I want to go from there. I have something in mind but it isn’t coming together just yet. It’ll come and then I will go nuts writing.

The weather has been changing. We’re warm now – capris and t-shirts – and, unfortunately yard work. I love the outside but don’t care to mow and weed.

My stepfather passed this week. My love and prayers are with the family, especially his daughter and my sister Val.

That’s it for this week folks. I was focused on those all important first three chapters this week so nothing exciting happened.

Until next week.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Changes, changes, changes

I hope you had a great week and survived April Fools’ Day. Were there any pranks that caught you off-guard?

No more responses from my query letters. I did receive feedback on my manuscript from one agent and what publishers are seeking right now. So, I’m taking what she recommends and writing a new novel. It’s hard getting started since I already had a story in my head, but I have written, and re-written, and re-written the first chapter. This weekend I WILL write at least the first three chapters to get myself moving.

Changes are the name of the game. This novel will be the new first novel in my series with the Hamilton brothers, and it will feature Jesse. He got dumped from the old first story. Poor Jesse has had change after change. Ironically, the agent said that he should be an FBI agent in the book I submitted. If you remember, I started him as an FBI agent and I changed him as the story went along. I still shake my head as to why.

The story you followed along with, the one that hasn’t been picked up, will not be tossed. It will be revised and become the second novel in the series featuring the baby brother AJ. He is an FBI agent, and you will meet him in book 1.

It’s time for one of my least favorite chores – yard-work. I need to cut the yard of weeds. It only takes a little over an hour, but it is one of the most dreaded hours of my life. It ranks right up there with washing dishes (I don’t have an installed dishwasher). What is your least favorite chore?

Thanks for following me and providing your support.

Until next week